One year in the books

Wednesday February 17th: Today was mega lame. We couldn't leave the house so we slept and talked to family. The end of pday rolled around we found 5 new people!! It was super cool!! We shared one gospel of Jesus Christ lesson with Dulce and Hakeem who were together, then 3 restoration lessons with Elizabeth, Dwayne, and Felice! It was a great teaching day!! Thursday: We watched the missionary devotional in the am. Had a great lesson with a guy named Juan on the restoration. We taught Hakeem from last night the Plan of Salvation and that went great!! Then we talked to this guy named Umar and that was weird lol he isn't Christian so he has a lot of interesting beliefs but we set up a time to call back! We shared the restoration with guy named Vincent who didn't really care, so that was lame. Had a pretty good lesson with a lady named J.J., she appreciated it and agreed with everything and even wants a Book of Mormon, but said she isn't leaving her church. *face palm* ...