Candice's Baptism!! Week 69

 Wednesday June 9th: Today was good, but exhausting! We woke up at 6 and went to play basketball and we played hard for 2 hours. Then we went to waffle house and talked to family for a bit. After that we went to the church to play some more ball for another few hours and I was so dead after that. We came back to the Goodlettsville apartment packed up our stuff and headed home. We got ready had coordination meeting, then went to Cameron's had a good contact with him there just really discussion what he thinks the truth is and what he needs to do based on that answer. He said he would pray about it so hopefully he can do it sincerely and receive his answer and act on it! 

Thursday: Today was good! We had a slow morning but watched a good mission devotional by Elder and Sister Tai. Things got super busy after that. We drove to the store to get some stuff for a recent convert who is trying to quit smoking for good. We picked up some supplies then went to go try and visit some lady who requested a Book of Mormon. We talked to her husband in the front yard instead and boy was he long winded. We could tell he wasn't interested from the beginning but he just went on and on and eventually it felt like we were talking to a military recruiter. Obviously that didn't go anywhere so we headed to our recent converts place instead. We taught a good stop smoking workshop, we are praying that he'll follow the steps exactly and be a nonsmoker by next Thursday! We went and got dinner and a member cooked Costa Vida personal salads for us and Franklin and dang was that good! We went to the church and had a lesson with Aria and Candice to finish up lesson 5 and that went awesome! She's so cool, and we are so excited for her baptism Saturday! On our way home we stopped at Cameron's because he sent us a text saying he wants to get baptized Saturday. However when we got there he didn't understand the commitment of baptism so we had to explain that to him. He seemed to really understand and he is going to tell his nana how he really feels tomorrow. He said the cutest prayer at the end about how he is so nervous to tell his nana and that God would speak through him and she wouldn't get mad/yell at him. We are really praying he has the courage and that she is loving towards him! After that we headed home, and that was the day!

Friday: Today was not bad either! Super productive! We had a great weekly planning and set some solid goals to finish out the transfer strong! I also did a ton of apartment cleaning during lunch so it looks a lot better! It had been a minute since we cleaned the kitchen besides dishes.. lol. After we went and talked to 4 people in a complex, all elderly. It went really well. Barbara and Fred, who are brother and sister, Barbara is actually an inactive member and they were okay having us come back tomorrow to share something spiritual with them! Then we talked with Catherine and Janise who are neighbors and had a great conversation with them and all held hands and prayed after haha. We went to Cameron's after that and tried to figure out how to get a video on his TV forever and a day and couldn't get it so we finally just watched it on our phones and it was good. He didn't tell his nana, so we are really hoping he does that this time around. We came home and texted ALL our formerly taught  inviting them to Candice's baptism and like 19 people responded! They all said no haha but it was cool to hear from a lot of them who have never called or texted back before! That was a day! Super busy! 

Saturday: Today was CANDICE'S BAPTISM it was SO GOOD! It was honestly such a spiritual baptism. I was so grateful things ran smoothly. We had Sister Booher and Sister Roach give talks and they were both phenomenal! It was just so so good overall. The APs came and Elder Lewis even said it was one of the best baptisms he's been to. There was just so much joy. Then we came home and did some finding and later went and tried to do a lesson with Fred and Barbara but they canceled on their porch and so we went and visited Michael, Lany, and Melissa and taught the restoration and met a kid named Robbie as well! Lany really loved it, but he is older so I hope he remembers it! Melissa cried during the first vision, the spirit was strong. We came home after and called a few more people but that basically wrapped up the day!! 

Sunday : We had stake conference and it was so so good. We heard from President Releford and he gave a great talk and we heard from a few other speakers who did amazing and then Elder Martino the area 70 finished it up. It was a great stake conference. I also got to see Shy! (most of you will know her as Sister Fullmer from earlier in my weeklys) She came to visit TN and happened to be there so it was super good seeing her again! We came home did a lot of finding and had a lesson with Hugh over the phone It didn't go anywhere at all. We went back to square one with him just bringing up anti and us answering and then him saying oh well, well, uh and then saying a different anti point, so we are going to give him some time. That's all that basically happened today though! 

Monday: Today we had district council that went awesome! Elder Pace and I got together for exchanges and we had an AMAZING day!!! We talked to literally EVERYONE! I just decided I wanted to set a really good example for Elder Pace and I talked to everyone I saw and it was awesome! We talked to some really cool people to name a few, Tamika, Howard H., and Phillip. Howard talked to us for like an hour and apparently he used to talk to missionaries like 3 decades ago and has been wondering where they've been ever since. He was glad we were back. When we left he stuck his fist up in the air and yelled "THE ELDERS ARE BACK IN FRANKLIN BABYYY" felt pretty special after that not gonna lie hahal! It was a super good day though and we got some great Mexican food too! 

Tuesday: Today was good but much more relaxed, back to Facebook and cold calling. We did that until 3 and then went and did service for the Roach Family. I cut their bushes and I felt way good about it!! They were looking nice!! Then we headed to White House after doing some more finding and spent the night there getting transfer news all together. Elder Myers is headed to Nashville and I'll be staying in Portland with Elder Baker. It should be good. All is well! Feel free to shoot me an email or even a Facebook message if you read this far, always love hearing from everyone! 


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