1 Email 2 Weeks 2x the fun #Ripit

Week 60 

Wednesday: Today was actually one of the most fun pdays I've had in a while!! It was sweet! We went bowling with the district along with some mega junky batting cages haha. Then we got Freddy's for lunch which was super good. Then we decided to go a park and turns out another district was there!! We ended up playing sand volleyball and it was super fun!! Just like old times in the 'boro. However, one of the STL's decided to call the AP's to "get permission" (report us) because technically you have to be in groups no larger than one district so they made us leave earlier than we woulda hoped, but it's whatever it was a great time while it lasted and there was also a group of kids next to us playing all these songs I used to listen to from back home and I was in heaven, uh I mean, I didn't listen I plugged my ears and sang approved music... anyways after that we went and hung out at the Franklin elders apartment till the pday was through and then got to work! We had a good coordination meeting with the Branch and then found lady named Baker from Knoxville! That wrapped up Wednesday.
Thursday: Today we watched the missionary devotional and then had to get everyone's estimated miles figured out in the district, but we got it all done and it was good. We went fishing for lunch then did some finding, calling, and comp study until dinner. We went fishing again with a hot dog and we caught like no lie 15 blue gill! Literally you could catch every cast hahaha who knew they loved hot dogs?? We had a great time. Then we went a dropped off a Book of Mormon to this lady named Lisa. This was one of the weirdest expiriences on my mission, sweetest lady, but just super strange, and unintentionally inappropriate haha. We came home had a lesson with Josh and he seems like a super cool dude. He kind of plateued in his progression with the Sisters so hopefully we can get him moving again!
Friday: Today was awesome! We did a quick weekly planning in the morning and then had an exchange with the zone leaders. Elder Church came to Portland with me. Elder Myers went to Goodlettsville with Elder Holland. It was a good exchange and we had really good comp study and then did a lot of finding, but had few lessons! We shared a scripture with a guy named Billy and set up a time to call back. We talked to a super cool hockey player named Vasili and taught him the restoration, it went well! We also had a member lesson with a recent convert in this area named Danny and he is a stud, super strong testimony, great guy. We reviewed the gospel of Jesus Christ and it went really well. We also tried to fish at night with no luck!!
Saturday: Woke up and had a good morning! We were able to teach this lady, we haven't had the best contact with, named Sheila and we taught the restoration. The spirit was so strong and she just knew it was all true. She accepted a baptimal date of May 1st, and we are so pumped to help her make that date. The other lesson we had was with Lisa again... we brought a member and so it was a little more focused but everything still just went right over her head and she even playfully insulted the member a few times and that was awkward. We also ran into a guy at the gas station named Ramesh, seems like a pretty cool dude!!
Sunday: Today was great! We had church and second hour and second hour went like 20 minutes over because Brother McGuire was a little confused haha it was good though! We then did a blitz (like an exchange but we all stay in Franklin) at the Franklin Elders apartment and I worked with Elder Pace. We worked hard and it was a super successful day! We had a super interesting lesson with a inactive member who has a testimony of some things and problems with other things, pretty typical. We got back in touch with 3 formers and had really good conversations with them! Tequila, Julie, and Brenda! Then we had 2 other cold calls that we had good conversations with also. We finished off the night with some Skyjo, always fun being with multiple elders.
Monday: My bday!! Last one on the mish! It was good! We woke up and had a great district council and the Hermanas even got me a monster! :,) We went to lunch at Raising Canes which I've been wanting to go get since Nov 2019!! We came home and just did a lot of finding nothing huge to report on there besides us having a great call with a former named Jim! However, I just want to thank all of you that sent me a message, letter, card, present, etc. I really do love you all and appreciate the support you give me so much, I'm definitely blessed to have all the friends and family I do.
Tuesday: Today was good! We went back up to Franklin and did a service project at the Roach's, just some gardening but it went well! We dropped off a Book of Mormon in Jim's mailbox and had a good short lesson with Ramesh at the gas station (he is the clerk there). We had a good Book of Mormon class with some members and then a little tender mercy happened. One of the people we are "teaching" who we haven't been able to get in contact with for awhile gave our number to her friend Chastity who needs some support in her life right now. We had a great call with her and we are excited to keep teaching and supporting her going forward!
Week 61
Wednesday: Pretty good Pday!! We went down to Whitehouse and hung out at the Elders apartment for a while then went and played some sand volleyball with the whole district, followed by Popeyes, and then some good ole soccer on a some of the nicest grass I have been on in Tennessee, Elders Myers and I played barefoot and the grass was so nice. We came home, did some finding, had a good coordination meeting with the Branch, then got some milk from the gas station, and finished off the night with a lesson with our friend Josh. We reviewed the restoration and just went a little more into depth, it was honestly a really good lesson!
Thursday: We had another service project today with Sister Robert's. Elder Myers cut some bushes while I weedwhacked the yard. It was super super long and I was covered in grass by the time I was done, but it looked like night and day, hopefully she mows it within the next day or two and she'll have a completely different lawn!! She got us subway after which was super kind of her, then we went home and got showered and ready for the day. Honestly besides another attempted lesson with Ramesh at the gas station not much else happened throughout the rest of the day, just a lot of finding and lessons that fell through.
Friday: Had a good weekly planning! Went to go try and visit a few people and had some interesting contacts. The first one the lady apparently moved 6 months ago? However there was contact in from like a month ago that just says whoever answered said she wasn't home, but we ended up getting the guy's number who answered (Richard). Someone pulled up and walked inside with a loaded AR-15 right next to us and didn't say anything so that was super random lol. Then the other lady we went to visit was asleep but with her daughter or granddaughter named Mercy was there and we had a super good conversation with her, she was super sweet which is always really refreshing. For dinner we caught and ate fish, well Elder Myers ate his, I took a look and remembered I don't like fish lol, but it was a unique experience to say the least lol, it took way too long to cook and clean up though haha. We had two good lessons! One with Little RIP (yes that's the name he gave us) and we talked about the restoration a bit, then set up a time to call again! This next one was super super good though. We called a former named Hector who had been taught a bit but not a lot, so we shared an in depth restoration with him. The Sprit was so strong and for the first time (from what I remember) instead of just sharing the classic first vision we felt inspired to share the experience from the second he kneeled down, so including the part where darkness overwhelmed him. Hector was blown away. Turns out he lives in my old area so that was a crazy coincidence, and we got to talk about that a bit which was good too and the sisters are going to drop him off a Book of Mormon tomorrow!! Such a good time.
Saturday: Today was good but long. We woke up at 520 to go play basketball with a bunch of elders like 45 mins away at a park and it was super fun definitely worth it, but by 10oclock when normally we are just getting started it felt like the end of the day which made things feel like forever lol. It didn't help that we had another service project too haha. After that we had a really good lesson with Lisa (different Lisa than crazy Lisa). She's been taught for over a year now and knows it is true, Satan just keeps ruining things everytime she gets on date, so hopefully we can make it happen! Then we dropped off a Book of Mormon to a lady named Wanda, when we pulled up we thought she lived next door and we pulled up and the guy outside waved us over and said she wasn't home but asked us to shut his gate behimd him as he was leaving and we said okay and then called Wanda and she said she was home in the next door, so pretty sure the guy just wanted us to shut the gate for him lol. Finally we watched the Bonfire event, had a good lesson with a lady named Julie that was one of those calls that went from super awkward to really good, but then she lost service and we are yet to hear back... it was a good day though! We have also discovered Rip it which is a 99 cent energy drink the past few days and it is so good hahah.
Sunday: Had a great time at church! Hannah and Sheila watched virtually! Then we had a lesson with Wanda from yesterday and it was interesting, She read 6 chapters just since yesterday which is so awesome, however she seems fairly closed minded so hopefully the spirit pricks her heart as she continues to read. We had some contacts we made then visited the Calvert's some super cool members in the branch. Then we traveled to Franklin to stay the night because we have service there tomorrow in the morning. We worked pretty hard throughout the night and had a decent call with little Rip, it was just pretty hard to understand and he isn't interested in meeting in person... so that makes it even harder, hopefully he comes through clearer next time!
Monday: Today was good! We went to service in the morning at the Booher's and uprooted a giant tree and then a ton of smaller trees then came back to Portland. Got ready and packed again and headed to white house for another exchange! It was good. We did some former calling and then got some dinner from some super cool members in their ward and they had a cute puppy named Lucy! We came home and called a couple more formers and then played Pokémon and Skyjo late into the night haha, good times!!
Tuesday: Today was good!! We were able to have a lesson in the morning with Lady named Tonya! It was Elder French and I because I was teaching with him in his area and the lesson was so good. The spirit led so much and we ended up putting her on date, im super excited for them especially since that area hasn't had someone on date for like 4 transfers now! Super exciting! Afterwards we got lunch at Zaxbys in Franklin and did some finding at the church! Then we came home had a Book of Mormon class with some members in the Branch and then did some more finding and headed to bed!! So excited for pday!!!!



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