Wednesday September 16th: Today was a pretty nice relaxing pday! We woke up and went fishing. I caught one little fish again but we fished for a long while and caught pretty much nothing haha! We came home and we talked with family for most the day and just laid around, it was nice. Later we went shopping and I got my haircut as well! To finish off we went to the Sisters and sat on their patio and had s'mores, it was pretty fun even tho it was quick! We had some good invitations and lessons after 6 as well and it was a super productive night! It was a good day! 

 Thursday: Today was good! We had a lesson with a guy named Hunter in the morning and we taught him the restoration! He really liked it and he accepted a soft baptismal invitation and wanted a Book of Mormon! So we are going to drop one off to him Saturday and of course once again... not in our area :) We had another lesson with a guy named Jaydon and taught the restoration again. This one went even better! We got into specific prayers, and we told him we dont recite personal prayers however we do priesthood blessings and he wants one of those and thinks someone he knows should get one as well! He said he definitely needs it! We asked about baptism and he wants a Bible and Book of Mormon too! He said he has a lot of struggles and at the end I asked him if talking with us made those feel any better and he said yes he feels much more peace and we talked about the spirit! But as you could of guessed :)))) not in our area!! So hopefully the missionaries near him will be able to continue helping him learn!! Other than that pretty much just did a lot of finding, nothing too special! Those lessons made the day forsure!

Friday: Today was good however not much went on... I fasted for one of my mission friends along with his friends and family because he has been really struggling with insomnia and might have to be sent home :/ so hopefully that gets better for him!! We got our weekly planning done, had a good comp study and then pretty much just made invitations over Facebook and phone call untill the day was over! We had a couple of people try and bash which was entertaining for me, probably not super effective but honestly bashing strengthens my own testimony so much! It becomes more and more obvious every time that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church that Jesus Christ established when He was on the Earth and it has been restored through a modern day Prophet for the world today. That's pretty much it for today though! 

Saturday: Today was so sweet! We had 5 lessons and invited 3 people to be baptized!! The first lesson we had was with a guy named Zach and we taught the restoration. It wasn't our best lesson of the day but it was still good. He is just super suspicious. He said he would look it up before accepting a Book of Mormon and said he wasn't comfortable saying the closing prayer, but at least he was open and accepted soft baptismal invite! We taught Katie again and we got a fellowshipper!! They worked so well together as we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and read 2 Nephi 31! We invited Katie to be baptized on the 17 of October and she accepted!! It was so awesome! Then we had a lesson with Spencer and man was this guy solid! He set up his own return appointment!! We taught the restoration and he wants us to drop him off a Book of Mormon and he said he would definitely want to be apart of Jesus Christs true church and be baptized! Definitely excited to keep working with him!! Lastly a guy named Sergio called me and we had the kindest Bible bash ever hahaha it was 35 mins but at the end we both said love you and he said he would pray about the Book of Mormon if I would pray to ask God if I am in error or not, so that was sweet, crossing my fingers I'm not in error ;)) 

Sunday: Today was alright, we pretty much  just invited people all day. We took the sacrament in the morning, had a good gospel study class over zoom and Spencer and Katie joined in! That was pretty sweet! Not much else to report on though! 

Monday: Honestly today was less interesting than yesterday... we found, all day. Went to the church at end of the day just for a change of scenery. Shot the basketball around for a couple of minutes. The day ended with a leadership call! Yay! 

 Tuesday: Well another day not another dollar! We had a lesson with Katie today and we taught the word of wisdom and law of chastity and the 10 commandments! It actually went very well! When I've taught that lesson in the past I would just let the missionary who had done it before lead and I would just pipe in every now and then. This time I was "that" missionary and Elder Packer just piped in here and there, so I was relieved it went well lol! Then we dropped off a Book of Mormon to Spencer, had a short lesson with him. When we got back we went over messenger and later we did some finding with the sisters the rest of the time until gospel study class! Then I had a leadership call to finish the night! It wasn't a bad day, definitely a lot of brain usage so I'm wiped haha! 

Showing my mom and Cassidy that I'm wearing a tie my dad wore on his mission!

Decorated and surpised Elder Packer for his Birthday! He told me I just made his moms day!;)


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