Long Days/Just one missionary

Wednesday July 15th: Today we woke up and headed to the Spanish Elders placee. We hung out there for a couple hours and headed to the Sisters park area again and played pickleball for a good while! It was really fun to be with a lot of the missionaires in the zone again! Afterwards we came home and had an awesome lesson with a lady that our ward mission leader found when he was knocking some new move ins! She was awesome and we taught the restoration and she seemed to really like it! It was so cool to have an in person lesson again!! It's basically the same thing as over the phone but its just so weird actually being there! It was a super long lesson because she loves to talk and we brought another member who loves to talk also so they got along awesome but it was like an hour and a half lesson haha! We came home and made a couple contacts and headed to bed! Can't believe we get the new missionaries tomorrow and that another transfer has already come and gone!! 

Thur: We woke up today and went on our run, got ready then the phone rang... we are only getting ONE new missionary now, they didnt really tell us why, but we just said okay and continued on. We headed to the Spanish Elders apartment and picked up Elder Bryan becuase he is getting transferred. We headed to the mission office and went through a long trainer meeting. After the meeting President pulled us aside and told us some things and basically what it comes down to is that us getting one missionary instead of two had nothing to do with me or Elder Iverson, it was just some last minute inspiration President Weaver had. We went into transfers and got our new comp! Elder Klingler!! We headed home and we helped him unpack a little bit and headed straight for a service activity picking up trash with our district again. We cleaned up under a bridge where it looked like tons of homeless people had lived/are living and we picked up a ton of trash. We headed home rearranged our apartment AGAIN because we are getting that 4th missionary anymore and then we went to dinner and Walmart with David. Afterwards we came home and made as many contacts as we could before the day was over. Before bed we played a couple games of Uno! It feels so weird to not be the new missionary anymore, I still sometimes feel like the new missionary though haha. Super busy day, but it was good! 

Fri: Today was a long day! I typically write entries the next morning so I'll just add that even in my dream last night I was telling the people how long my day was hahaha. That proves it was long!! We had our district call then had weekly planning all morning. We took our lunch break then we went to Walgreens to the clinic becuase Elder Iverson has been having some problems with his ear. We did some weekly planning there too as we waited. We came home and then went to the church for a lesson with Sister Golden and she really just talked to us for like an hour and we got to know her better. The only principles we taught was at the very end about the power of the Book Of Mormon and prayer. We came home and contacted people for awhile and then we finally had our dinner break at 7! We did some cold calling afterwards and then Elder Iverson did his district calls and we did a kahoot with the zone to finish the day. Hopefully tomorrow is faster haha. 

Sat: Today was a little quicker haha. We finished up weekly planning in the morning then had a comp study over video call with another companionship (lewisburg) because we had to pass off to them one of the ladies we were teaching because she lives in their area. We wanted to teach the restoration and we and Lewisburg are both currently in trios, so we ended up each teaching a principle or two and the lesson went great! I started off the call and asked how she's been doing and such and offered the opening prayer and talked about God's love for us. I'm definitely excited to see what happens with Mary! After lunch we went to the church and worked on a Facebook post, Facebook contacting, and cold calling. We came home and did some more contacting then went outside and had dinner at one of the picnic tables with Sister Goetzman who lives in our complex and it was so fun to talk/eat in person! We came back home and made some more cold calls and then hit the sack! 

Sun: Today was not a bad day! :) We had our comp study in the morning, sadly our lesson at 11 fell through, but promised he could do next week! Talked to my family for a bit before they headed to church. My mom was asked to speak in sacrament. Good luck mom! We made some contacts, had lunch then headed to the church. We had a lesson with Sister Golden and read Alma 32 and it went really well. We had a lesson with Sister Robbins, her daughter and Sister Sutherland and that went really well too! We were able to read Alma 34 and that went great too. We had our lesson at 4:00 fall through but we had another at 5:30 with Sister Ruggles that almost fell through, but didnt! We were able to discuss Alma 42 and Ether 12 that she read this week and then we did a family history/temples lesson! We got her set up on family history and I acted like I knew what I was doing but it was my second time ever setting someone up and the first person was myself haha and so iwith all of us being new, it became a group effort lol but it all worked out and it went sweet! We had dinner then finished up contacts with cold calling we had our mission wide devotional and that went good too! Oh happy 5 months to me btw, almost forgot because I definitely don't count the days...hours...minutes... 

Mon: Today was district council and we went over the importance of having a good morning routine, the way Elder Iverson has taught me to think about it is that your morning routine is like the practices throughout the week, and the day is the game. If you come late to practice, slack, don't try, etc., come game time you aren't going to play as good as you have the potential of playing, and I really like that perspective. Afterwards we went to lunch and got subway came back to the church and ate with our district and couple missionaries from the district next door who happened to be there and we had a great time. Elder Klingler got through his safeguards (technology rules) assessment he had to complete and then we came home and made contacts until dinner. After dinner a lady named debra called us and she told us she was just calling us back from the other day. We talk to so many people it's almost impossible to remember details or anything at this point, so we asked her to give us a refresher and she did and she was so sweet. We taught ther the second half of the plan of salvation and then set up another call for later this week! We made more contacts until bed and that wrapped up the day! 

Tue: Today was awesome! We had a good district call in the morning and told stories and had such a good time! After lunch we went to another greenway and picked up trash with our district and the Stones River 1 sisters! We came back and had a zoom Facebook zone call, and then went to the church and had a lesson with Chris. Chris is so awesome and you can tell how much he wants to choose right and do good things. We went over the word of wisdom and it was just so hard for him to understand why and I could totally relate with him. Somethings are harder to understand then others. We ended up giving him a blessing and that was my first ever, and it went really good. We came home and made contacts until the day was over. Then our neighbor came by and was asking all these questions like why there are so many churches? We asked if we could share a message to answer that and he said sure... we didnt end up getting to share that much and he was pretty set in his ways but it was fun talking to him! He was such a nice guy! Looking forward to Pday tomorrow night! 


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