The prophet can see the future

Week 3
Thur: Woke up had breakfast had an awesome session at the temple and almost saw my mom but we missed each other by 3 mins :(( did my laundry ate some lunch and emailed and skyped until like 5:30 had a decent dinner got some wraps with my companion cuz I wasn't about to eat MTC salmon or salmon period. Then had a fun exercise night and now I'm off to bed

Fri: Slept in a little by accident still made it on time to breakfast had a good last trc lesson with our investagor meryn. Found out a music album I've been waiting on for  two years was released today and I almost risked it all and snuck into the computer lab but luckily god smacked my hand and told me NO! Had a good class, my comp slid on a bench and got a ton of slivers so after lunch we went to the nurse and she referred us to the doc who did his best and sent us to the clinic so we got to leave the prison gates for a few minutes! Came back and went back to our second class then had some Papa John's Pizza and one of the elders in my room ate 15 pieces. Had a fun exercise night and had a nice steam room session with some of my boys headed out to the phillipines tomorrow. Helped my elder who ate 15 pieces clean his side of the room and now I'm gonna sleep. 

Sat: Good day again. Had some eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, and French toast wraps. Had a good class then an okay lunch. Had a super nice nap then a good second class, and got interviewed by my teacher brother harker. He gave me some really good mission advice cuz he just got home 7 months ago so he knows the ropes pretty well. Had a good dinner and a great exercise night, now its sleep time.

Sun: Today was long haha it was good though. Had a lame cold cereal breakfast then had a good elders quorum taught by my roommates. Had a good sacrament meeting. Then had a good lunch. Had a good branch presidency lesson led by the second counselor and his wife. Then had a good departure devotional and the MTC president gave a good talk about one of his best companions who cooked breakfast and and made sure his water was heated over the stove for the shower every morning. Then had a good regular devotional and a decent last district meeting. Goodnight 

Mon: Today was a good one. Had some pancakes for breakfast then had a haircut! For a free MTC haircut, im really happy with the result. Had a good class. Had some fish and chips for lunch, not too bad. Had a really good second class, my teacher told us about a talk he heard on his mission by Elder Simmons of the 70 called "But if not..." which was really good. He also told us about a teaching tool he made up with play-dough. He cooked some play-dough in the oven and kept another play-dough fresh. He'd give the rock hard cooked play-dough to someone and tell them to mold it, obviously they couldn't and so hed give them the fresh play-dough and they could easily. He used this as an analogy saying how we need to soften our hearts to let the lord mold us into what he wants us to become. If are hearts are hard like laman and lemuel, we won't be molded and the mission will be a waste of time. I really liked that and am going to do my best to soften my heart and let the lord use me as an instrument. Had a good exercise night, and now bed.

Tues: Very good day had a good breakfast and a good class. The teachers didn't prepare lessons and so we combined districts and each taught an hour. Had a good lunch and got laundry done. Had a good second class and did the same thing as the first class with three districts and each an hour. Had a really good last devotional and Neil L. Anderson talked!! Took some really good notes, and had a good review after with branch 1st counselor Jackson and his wife. Said goodbye to everyone, and was kinda sad but I know they are all doing good things. Packed until midnight and to wrap up, message of the day; Give it your all, and remember the reasons why you are here.

Wed: Woke up at 6 ish got ready to go said a few goodbyes, cleaned the room, and headed out. Saw my parents by such a weird coincidence they happened to be hanging out at the bus stop, I didnt even know they hung out there!! ;) Then headed to the airport everything went smoothly and had a ton of people look and talk to me and I was telling my mom I felt like a celebrity lol super weird feeling. Arrived in Nashville and met President Weaver and his wife and a few other missionaries who are the President's assistants, along with the rest of his presidency back at the mission home. All super nice people especially President and sister Weaver I think we'll get along very well. During the welcome meeting I answered a good amount of questions cuz other people were nervous or hesitant I'm guessing? But it worked good for me because I think President Weaver was happy someone would answer and disrupt the silence after he would ask questions haha. Had a really good dinner too, much better than MTC food, but I didnt mind MTC food much and all the other elders were saying how grateful they were for normal food. We all are sleeping in the living room on pads and it's been a good day.

Week 4
Thur: Woke up and had an awesome breakfast thanks to Sister Weaver, really good casserole. Then we all had separate meetings with President Weaver,  he said could really see the Lord working in me last night at the devotional and he's very excited I am here and knows this is where I'm supposed to be. That was super cool to me, because sometimes I wonder about the spirit being with me or not. Then headed to transfers had a good time there, said goodbye to my best companion so far Elder Gosney :(. But got introduced to my new comp Elder Ballard and he is awesome! Super spiritually strong, exact obedienience, and I know with certainty I'll learn a ton from him because it's been one day and I already have. First thing we did was go straight to a lesson with an awesome girl named Isamar, she seems super interested and elder Ballard and I think she's got a very good chance at getting baptized very soon. Then got very quickly half way unpacked and went to another lesson with the Camerons. Their family is very confusing (family tree wise) but Ozzy and Lucas are scheduled for a baptism next Saturday! Hoping they continue to read the BOM so they can fulfill that date. Had a great lasagna dinner and talked about all the Coronavirus madness with three older ladies/sisters and that was fun. Then headed to another lesson with a inactive family and that went really well too, at the end when bearing my testimony, I mentioned that no matter how deep of a hole we've gotten ourselves into God can always pull us out as long as we reach up and grab his hands. I've obviously never met this family and after we left my companion told me the dad has a cigarette problem he just can't seem to get out of and that he could see how hard my testimony hit him and I thought that was super cool. We have a car Mon-Wed and we rotate so being that we didnt have a car today, one of the ward missionaries Brother Goodman drove us to all these things and he is super awesome too! Got unpacked and its FINALLY time for bed. 

Fri: Woke up and had a good workout and daily planning, got ready (so nice to have my own bathroom and walk in closet again) then had a good ole 5 hour weekly planning session. Actually wasn't as bad as it sounds and had a good time getting to know my comp better and we had lunch inbetween. Had a good companion study after and prepared for the lessons. We taught Marshelly who is 9 and is one super close to getting a baptismal date, her mom and sister who is 5. The dad wasn't interested himself but is super supportive and nice and watched TV in the other room! And the lesson went super well, I love them they were so sweet. Then hurried over to Brother Goodman's house to teach his adopted daughter who is a little special and we laughed so much during the lesson but she still got a lot out of it and it was sweet! Apparently it took my comp 3 1/2 months for her to be comfortable with him and get her to laugh and for her to ask him to pray and all of those things. I was able to do it the first night!! It was insane, I was so happy! Brother Goodman is the greatest man, he told us we better not let him die from the coronavirus and we promised we wouldn't. We had a conference call with the entire mission about what's gonna happen and it was nothing bad, just information and guidelines. Brother Goodman wanted us to call him and let him know how it went and we did and joked and said we were headed home, he almost cried and said I don't know how I'm going to live without my Elders! We told him he won't have to, hes a stud. 

Sat: Amazing day! Had a good little workout trying to shed a few pounds. Had an awesome personal study, studied preach my gospel chapter 6. Made a ton of phone calls and texts and got responses to every one! Had a great lesson about the Plan of Salvation with a guy named Chris (who is Ozzy and Lucas' uncle from the Thursday lesson) and his daughters. Lucas helped us teach, they were kind of hard to teach because they didnt talk much but Chris said on the ride home (he gave us a ride there and back) that it was really good. We taught them that specific lesson because their great grandma passed which was sad and on top of that kind of unrelated but Chris broke 3 ribs at work and his daughter fell getting off the bus and sprained her ankle! Then had an AMAZING dinner with the Newbell's, so many laughs and the kids were cuddly and it was so sweet. Only bad thing that happened today was I called the boy a she to his dad, but luckily he brushed it off and just let me know! I was so embarrassed but he is samoan with long hair and looked just like his sisters! Anyway finally to end the day had an amazing lesson with a non-member family and they will all likely get baptized, so engaged, smart, and spiritually strong and keeping commitments! I have so much more to talk about tomorrow, goodnight.

Sun: Had a good morning with studies and prayer and headed over to the Kingaby's to teach the lesson we taught 5 times today Come Follow Me Jacob 1-4. You would never guess they were inactive if you met them, they were awesome, hopefully we can get them back to church more as soon as we are allowed. Then to the Church's to meet with Marjory Marshelly and Amber and taught them the same lesson and had a great lesson there, Amber kept covered wagoning herself while she was on her tablet not listening to us (she's like 5) it was so funny. Then the Cameron's and that went good and they baked a cake for Elder Ballards birthday last week! Then to brother Goodman's to teach him and Barbara, that went sweet! Then had comp study and got dinner brought to us by a member and it was great! Then to Billy's who knew a whole lot about the Bible but believed what we told him and was able to make connections between the Bible and Book of Mormon and said he felt the spirit and asked to meet again and that was incredible cuz I did not expect it. Then we had another lesson with Kathy and her grandkids who are so sweet Jaxon made me a scarf he hand made! And guess what! ALL 4 WANT TO BE BAPTIZED and Max is turning 11 this year and wants the Priesthood!! Kathy is so sweet and nice and makes me miss my Grandma and Nana but it's awesome to have someone half as amazing as them out here in Tennessee to remind me of them. I love her, and my Grandparents. Now I need to sleep.

Mon: Woke up and I'm almost a month out and I wish I could tell you I'm getting to be a morning person... I'm ALWAYS tired in the morning, but hey I'm tired the rest of the day too I'm a missionary gotta get used to it. Picked up a monster from the gas station and some other Elders and headed to district council. Had an awesome interview with President Weaver he told me again that I'm pegged in his brain as being one of the missionaries he pays the most attention too, so a lot of pressure, but I love the trust and I don't expect myself to be an AP or think I'm capable, but if it's the Lords will and he trusts me enough I know he'll help me to be able to do it, and boy would I love that, but if not no worries! Then had some good ole McDonalds and headed to Isabelles had a pretty good lesson with her and then we left and I had a strong impression to go to a house we planned on going to, but almost didnt cuz we were running late. My companion agreed to trust me and we went and they weren't home... BUT as we were walking back to the car, we got a street contact named Maria and her little boy Karim and I know that's why we were meant to go. Then headed to Kathy's for dinner and like I said yesterday all 4 want to be baptized and we made their date the 28th of March!!!! So excited so happy. That makes 7 baptisms in the next 3 weeks with a possiblity of 8, God is good and so is his work that I'm lucky to be apart of. Bedtime

Tues: Woke up this morning and headed to pick up the Salem Elders, Elder Holbrook and Elder Murphy. Elder Murphy is a way funny guy. Went to the food bank for some service and worked for 2 hours and then met the lady who ran the food bank's puppy named 7, I love him. Then we had a blitz with the zone leaders, so my comp for the day was Elder Williamsen hes a cool dude too. Met a interesting dude who talked about spirits and such and gave us way to much personal info during tracting and then had an awkward lesson with a guy named Paul who gave us nothing to work with. Then knocked a door and the kids said someone's here and the dad goes I know! And no one answered lol. Had a super good lesson with a lady named Teresa and set some goals with her, one of them being a baptism date of April 25 but its just a goal, but she could definitely do it if she puts the work in. Pretty good day, definitely need tons more practice tracting though but I know I'll get it, so that's good.

Dinner with the Newbell's they are members. 



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